1 in 8 women gets breast cancer. Breast cancer is a disease that affects not only the individual but also their family, relationships, friendships and work.
On the other hand, prejudgments like the fact that cancer is a frightening taboo and that many people can’t bear to even hear the name of cancer prevent the creation of social consciousness against the disease.
Metamazon is not a documentary that responds to typical cancer prejudices with clichés. The hair falling out, unhappy and desperate patients are not covered. The focus of the film is women who are more committed to life than anyone else, who love to live, who are at peace with their cancer and who struggle: In other words, “Metamazons”.
We think that addressing the most advanced stage of breast cancer from such a positive perspective and reflecting it to the audience will also contribute to breaking down some prejudices. We believe that we have presented a production that the audience will enjoy watching, smile and empathize with.
The friendship that Director Can Adiloğlu developed Canan Perdahli, the Chairwoman of Metastatic Breast Cancer Association and the protagonist of the film, allowed him to enter, observe and shoot in the warmest environments during the production of the film. Thus, this resulted in a film that can make the audience feel sincerity in the most intense way.
Adana Golden Ball International Film Festival, National Documentary Competition, 2022
Antakya International Film Festivali National Documentary Competition, 2022
Antep Short Film Festival, National Documentary Competition, 2022
Silkroad International Film Festival, National Documentary Competition, 2022
Silkroad International Film Festival, International Competition, 2022
International Jury Award - Silkroad International Film Festival, International Competition, 2022

Canan, who was diagnosed with cancer while living abroad, returns to Turkey urgently. She regrets everything she missed in her life and decides to do whatever she wants afterwards.
After treatments and operations she had, she establishes Metastatic Breast Cancer Association in order to address this more complicated and lesser-known disease than early breast cancers.
In order to define women struggling with this difficult to pronounce disease, the association starts using the term METAMAZON; combined from the “MET” of the sickness and the fighter Amazon women in mythology, cutting their breast to use arms. “Metamazons” are women who cling tightly to life rather than leaving it, struggle, hug life, and can say "I love my cancer".
While five-year survival rate is only 20% in metastatic breast cancer, Canan’s colorful life that she lived with the disease extraordinarily from her 7th to 11th years, her disease process and relationships are presented from a patient’s perspective.


Born in Ankara, he studied civil engineering at Istanbul Technical University and his masters in Engineering and Project Management at the University of California, Berkeley.
He practiced photography since his years at the university, and joined different photography groups. He worked with Zone System Photography for a period. He participated in mix exhibition and books at AFSAD and Ka Atolye.
After the trainings he received at the Sinematek Association in Ankara, he started making documentaries. He worked at all different areas of filming, including camera, sound, light, editing. His documentaries were presented in Turkey and abroad.
He studied acting and writing.
He is currently working on his first feature length fiction film, “Exchange”, relating to the Turkish – Greek Population Exchange.
2021 The Hero of Şavşat (Documentary)
2018 That Simple, Romania (Documentary)
2017 Economic Revolution of Tunisian Women, Tunisia (Doc.)
Can Adiloğlu
Arkasıra Film A.Ş.
Can Adiloğlu
Can Adiloğlu
Şahin Yıldız
Color Grading
Hakan Palioğlu
Mine Nihan Arıkan
Sound Recroding
Can Adiloğlu
Canan Perdahlı
Mehmet Celalettin Perdahlı
Waltz in A Minor, B150 - Chopin
Nocturne Op. 55 No.1 - Chopin
Nocturne Op.9 No.2 E Fl Ma– Chopin
Ahmet Uğur Kar
Atakan Enginyurt
Aydan Perdahlı
Aylin Enginyurt
Aylin Tekin
Betül Soyak
Burcu Genç
Burçin Tarhan
Büşra Yetişir
Can Adiloğlu
Didem Yüksel Yılmaz
Duygu Yaşar Adiloğlu
Ecrin Enginyurt
Elçin Biçer
Ercüment Hayri Tekin
Ezgi Duygu Bekdemir
Fatma Kantarcıoğlu Yaldız
Hava Tırpancı
Mehmet Celalettin Perdahlı
Mine Nihan Arıkan
Orhan Murat Bahtiyar
Pınar Tekin
Saniye Öztürk
Tuğba Özcan
Yağmur Kaya Baran
Yasemin Nazlı
Yücel Ünlü
Zeynep Fulya Azat
Zuhal Satılmış
Special Thanks
Canan Perdahlı
Aylin Enginyurt
Bayındır Hastanesi
Burçin Tarhan
Duygu Yaşar Adiloğlu
Esin Özalp Öztürk
Funda Coşkuner
Güven Hastanesi
Hava Tırpancı
Hayri Çölaşan
Metamazon Metastatik Meme Kanseri Derneği
Mert Şahin
Pelin Alios
Türk Amerikan Derneği
Turgut Satılmış
Yücel Ünlü
Zeynep Fulya Azat
Zuhal Satılmış